Hi there. My name is [David](https://davidrmunson.com) and I'm an American guy based in the Tokyo area. I am an educator, photographer, essayist, and a person interested in just about everything. This is my digital garden, a sort of commonplace book where I'm sharing knowledge, thoughts, and anything else I feel like sharing that I suspect might be of value for others. As we go through life, we all learn all kinds of things. The variety of knowledge we accumulate can be staggering in variety, and it's different for each person. I sincerely believe that we should share what we've learned along the way as we travel our path through life, because we never know what might be exactly the thing that someone else needs or wants to learn. When we share, we offer value. When we offer value, it's a vote for a better tomorrow. A rising tide floats all boats. - - - # Navigation ==Bear with me while I figure this out== You can find articles using the sidebar menu (hit the hamburger icon on mobile), using the search bar, or you can browse by tags: (NB, this is coming, just need to figure out how to set it up) - - - ## Links to My Other Stuff - [The Print Shop](https://drm.darkroom.com) (Buy a print! I'd love it if you did!) - [David R Munson](https://davidrmunson.com) (commercial work) - [Aleatorist](https://aleatorist.com) (fine-art work, blog about building a business in Japan) - [Somewhere in Japan](https://somewherein.jp) (Japan-centric blog) - [Convergence Factor](https://convergencefactor.com) (personal blog) - Instagram: [One](https://www.instagram.com/davidrmunson/), [Two](https://www.instagram.com/mrfugazidave/), [Three](https://www.instagram.com/visualcalisthenics/), [Four](https://www.instagram.com/mrtoraju/) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/davidrmunson) - [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidrmunson/) - [Behance](https://www.behance.net/davidrmunson) - - - ## Contact Shoot me an email at davidrmunson(at)gmail(dot)com or use the contact form on one of the sites linked above ## Support What I'm Doing If you have found value in what I've provided here, please consider dropping a dollar or two [in the tip jar](https://paypal.me/davidrmunson?country.x=JP&locale.x=en_US).